
Sunday 2 June 2013

Let There Be Light

Traders will be aware of a recent flurry of activity over light readings in the top end of Queen Victoria Market. Trader Representatives have been using light meters as we evaluate sub-standard lighting conditions and already works have been undertaken to improve the situation.

You don't need a light meter to know that there are many times when lighting under the sheds is below minimum standards. We have written before about traders who need to read a label to determine whether a garment is black or brown. Incidentally, this is an issue that seems to be unique to General Merchandise with lighting in other areas of the market (including food aisles A and B) being many times brighter than the rest of the top end. GMT Representatives have been working with management in order to improve the situation.

In simple terms, lighting under the sheds is a product of natural light and powered light. Natural light is by far the most effective and maximising its availability is important if we are to improve overall lighting conditions. To their credit, management have been prepared to make adjustments to roofing panels. Our photo above shows the recent extension to sky lighting panels at the bottom end of K Shed. Traders have reported favourably about the extra light created by the new panels.

We know that there will be comments like "Yeah - Just wait until summer when the extra clear panels produce extra heat". It is true that clear panels impact on heat transference. The skylight
extensions have been restricted to the south facing roofs for that reason but heat is a separate issue that requires separate action. It is a bit like saying we can't open the curtains in the lounge room because the sun may heat up the room. There are measures in our homes to ensure we get the view as well as control the heat. The same applies under the sheds at QVM and as just one example we show a photo of a large fan installed in a high-roof public building in northern Victoria where heat is a major issue. Management will need to address heat extraction and airflow as part of the process. Other markets in Australia utilise large fans and other markets achieve far superior light levels to QVM by utilising natural light.

Of course improving natural light is just part of the problem because there are times when we can only rely on electric light and this is where the current facilities are totally inadequate. We look forward to working with management on improving that aspect of the lighting issue. In the meantime you may like to chat with traders in the bottom end of K Shed about the recent changes to lighting.


03/06/2013 09:29:25 lighting "Well I just need to say someone got this one right!!
I stand at the foot end of L shed and have been given a new light,its great. Thanku!!" Rosalie Rockman