Sunday 8 March 2020

Heard Under The Sheds – 8/03/2020

A Trader likes this phrase and claims it definitely applies to QVM Traders right now 

“There is no path…. We are trailblazers!!!!”

One Trader said that Stan Liacos’ email about visitor numbers is a sober reminder that we have a problem that we all need to work on.

A Trader sent us a photo of the latest sign appearing in shop windows – 

“No cash or toilet paper kept on these premises.”

A Trader suggests that we look at the QVM In The News articles on Victraders over recent weeks and the incredible amount of press exposure that QVM gets (7 entries on 23/2/20, 6 entries on 1/3/20, and another 8 entries this week). The hype over QVM issues and particularly the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival is amazing and yet it remains difficult to convert news/marketing exposure to sales in these tough times.

A Trader noticed that the QVM website now includes a Businesses For Sale page.

One of Guru Pete’s cleaning duties involves removing stray stickers from around the market. Apparently he is not impressed that someone is sneakily putting stickers on his own cleaning trolley.

Apparently one option for Traders struggling with current trading is to go on the casual list on at least some days. It will mean losing their current permanent stall position on those days but give a lot more flexibility with taking leave. When things improve they can go back to the permanent list.

A Trader reports that Melbourne’s traffic congestion is getting ridiculous. A morning peak trip from nearby Kensington to the CBD took over an hour and cost $67 with Uber.

A Trader has noticed that Trader interaction becomes even more important when things are quiet. Spirited conversation and jokes can be a great mood lifter.

On a similar theme, two neighbours were having fun picking which stalls were the likely destination of passing customers based on the customer’s appearance. They reckon they often got it right.