Wednesday 30 November 2011

Does Your Stallfront “Shout” What You Do?

More than most shopping venues, we do our very best to confuse customers. The uniformity of our shop fronts and narrow aisles combine to make shopping a bit of a blur. Stalls at The Queen Victoria Market’s top-end are small and full of detail – a bit like shopping in a supermarket and trying to take in all the products on the shelves as you walk the aisles.
Does your stall make it immediately obvious what you do? Or, are shoppers at risk of passing you by before they have a chance to get interested. Take a look at the following two photos and give yourself 10/10 for picking the shop that communicates best.

Maybe it is time to think about the impression you create and the things you can do to stand out from the crowd.

From Anonymous 30/11/11 - 16:42
 picture No 1 , you have plenty time to read the news paper at home ji ji
From Anonymous 2/12/11 - 19:18
 Picture 1 is no different to every second stall holder on their mobile phones

From Anonymous 2/12/11 - 19:25
I would be more likely go up to stall holder who's only reading the paper instead of a stall holder that has brought the dog to work !!

From Anonymous 2/12/11 - 19:31
 Where is the second stall and what are they selling ??

From ED 2/12/11 - 20:45
The second stall is a file photo and I think they are Christmas decorations. BTW - cut Danny some slack. The photo is from his market interview and was chosen because of the excellent way his stall communicates its focus on quality Australian knitwear.