Sunday 7 October 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 7/10/2018

J Cave - the jokes are rolling in about the blackout in J Shed following this week’s installation of shade cloth to minimise the impact of heat under the glass roof. The result is a very dark aisle, even on bright sunny days. Traders are asking if customers will be issued with mining helmets as they enter the aisle and one says he will be sending an email congratulating QVM on creating the long awaited Night Market atmosphere in the Day Market.
Jokes aside, one trader suggested that perhaps new lighting should have been part of the installation program? 

Rent Debate - a Trader has suggested that if the rent increase is based on recovering costs then maybe the rent each trader pays should be based on cost. Factors like space, position, cleaning costs, marketing costs, and electricity supply, all operate in different ways in different precincts of the market. Then there is income - some precincts have greater capacity to pay, based on their income, than others. Maybe our simple “rent for a spot” could be a bit more sophisticated and a bit fairer.

Trader Comings and Goings - trader John returns after heart surgery and Trader Lana will be taking a few weeks off after suffering a sports injury.

Customer Comings & Goings - the variety of customers at our market is of course mind-boggling. One trader says he can’t wait to see what 80,000 WWE wrestling fans at the MCG might bring to our market after Saturday night.

Night Market Scam - apparently four traders were targeted by the same group on Wednesday night as the scammers attempted to fabricate refunds on EFTPOS transactions. QVM’s security staff have taken an active interest in the events with a focus expected at this week’s Night Market. (See separate article)

Traders Lounge – a trader said he found the Trader’s Lounge very useful this week as it allowed his staff to upload photos for his new website using the wi-fi facility.

One trader who has been away from the market for some time was very impressed with the renovated toilet block on Queen St.

The Son of a Trader who said he couldn’t wait to get out of his family market obligations as a teenager now finds a curious attraction to QVM over 25 years later. He told us he loves bringing his children here to enjoy the market atmosphere.

One Trader wants to know how quickly the trend to staffless stores will develop. He is counting on new technology that will allow him to set up his stall and then disappear for the day.

The good old ways triumph. Market Traders, Catcher Coats, were recently asked to create a fashion statement for Melbourne Fashion Week and apparently their full length men’s coat in pillar-box red stole the show and earned an article in the Age. Well done to David & Sally.

A Trader comments how good it is that negative press about our market seems to have gone away, and customers have stopped asking if we are closing. He believes the negative publicity does a lot of harm. Yes, things are tough but let's just get back to retail basics and focus on our customers.

Have Your Say – click here.

08/10/2018 10:17:12       J Shed "I don't care who's responsible for J sheds current state but please fix it ASAP. It's an embarrassing eye sore".

08/10/2018 10:30:01       Traders Ball  "Rather than just rewarding traders who have big social media sites why not try to recognise traders that have contributed to the various committees or sub committees over the years.
Trying to better the market for all traders in their own time and giving back to wider market community is to me more worthy of recognition.

I can think of many traders in this category."
Good point - thanks for your input. The aim of this years event is double-barrelled - recognise traders, and get a marketing spin-off that will benefit every trader. Of course it is not just traders with big social media sites that can participate. Every trader can participate through their engagement with customers at the stall. Those with say a Facebook page may be able to access more votes and if you believe all the hype around changing retail, perhaps every trader should get on board with social media. There is something to be said for rewarding traders who keep up with the times, engage customers in new ways, and add to the appeal of our market across all customer groups. But, I get your point - there are many forms of contribution. The question is whether that contribution makes us better. - Ed.

08/10/2018 12:32:33       J shed           "Who would have thought that the  professionals who took so long to get it right would have got it so wrong... please fix it so that we can all  see the light.....comments please mr editor"
I'm waiting on the corrective action - Ed.

08/10/2018 12:39:44       Ball     "Not all for us like to be in the lime light. I would like recognition however I do not wish to float my own boat so to speak. I would like to go about my businesss in a quiet and ethical  manner and be recognised without fanfare.... I think that is what the previous persson is trying to say. It has nothing to do with social media.... your comments please to give advice.thanks."
Not everyone is comfortable with the marketing fanfare. Is that what you are saying? If so, I agree. - Ed.