Sunday 21 October 2018

Heard Under The Sheds - 21/10/2018

J Shed Lighting – one of our intrepid traders took some light readings this week and they showed considerable disparity between stalls. Now we want to stress that there are many factors that need to be taken into account when measuring retail lighting and this was just a quick check one morning. Here are some readings and it is worth noting that showrooms aim for around 500 lux while super market lighting is usually desired around 750 lux.
J 44/45 (new LED light) Walkway 481 Stall Interior 719
J 49/ (LED light) W 435 Int 691
J 59/60 W 819 (lower hanging) Int 348
J 30/31 W 456 Int 228
J 22/23 W 503 Int 306
J 14/15 W 428 Int 197
J 3/4 W 230 (pre-existing older non LED light) Int 197
The readings were taken directly under lights and moving away from that position resulted in a significant drop in readings. Of course retail lighting is usually enhanced with supplementary spots and the like but without electricity at stall level we don’t have that option.

In The Wind – apparently at least one trader has expressed concern that new containers proposed for String Bean Alley might restrict airflow in summer. One L Shed trader tells us he blesses the day that containers arrived at the top of the aisle and protected him from destructive winds that whipped in under the sheds and damaged stock and displays. Perhaps it depends on who you ask, where they trade, and of course the weather on the day.

The New Information Hub has raised concern with its placement. Traders were surprised at how far back under the shed it has been set and the narrow trading space left behind in L Shed. Are the proposed new containers going to be set back as well?

The empty stalls around the upper market this Sunday have led to speculation that the extremely tough trading conditions right now are simply making the high Sunday rents un-economic for many traders. If they still have leave credits they are taking them.

Rumours that a petition might do the rounds on Tuesday seeking trader objections to the proposed new containers in String Bean Alley. This might test out those traders who have already expressed interest in one of the containers and indeed any trader who sees them as an attractive option.

Box Storage In M Shed – the ban on storing boxes in the roller door sheds at the top of SBA seems to have survived its first week without too much drama. Presumably traders have been able to make other arrangements. We can confirm that market equipment has been moved into those sheds. How did you fare with alternative arrangements? Please comment here.

One trader told us on Friday that he was worried about meeting his obligations after some poor trading and then on Sunday announced that he had a bumper day – the delicious uncertainty of retailing right now.

Committee of Trustees - a trader has suggested that this new body could be a perfect opportunity to inject some hardcore retail experience into the management process.

Entertainment - a trader has acknowledged that we probably can't turn the Day Market into a Night Market with all its entertainment and food options but maybe some entertainment could be part of the day experience. He joked that it would keep traders from getting bored but his suggestion is serious. He is thinking of roving entertainment or perhaps a stage that could be positioned in different areas on different days.