Friday 2 March 2012

QVM’s Facebook Iniative

We like the QVM’s latest Facebook promotion which makes discount coupons available from customer’s computers.
Special trader discount offers have been available from various printed and online media in the past but this way embraces social media in a very convenient way. From the QVM Facebook page customers simply click on the “Coupons” tag in the left margin and are presented with discount coupons which they can print from their computer and present to participating market traders.
We suggest you have a look at the QVM Facebook page. You don’t have Facebook? Why not? The jury is still out on whether social networking will be a long lasting influence on retailing but with all the big boys embracing it and with our own QVM having over 8,000 “friends” and 69,000 “log-ins” it is worth your attention – strictly for business reasons of course.