Sunday 20 December 2015

Our Market Swelters In 41C Heat

It was always going to be an interesting day. But as the signs in Peel Street and Queen Street indicate we are trading right through to Christmas. Hail, rain, snow or 40° heat!

For many traders under the sheds though, 40° well, that’s just a few degrees beyond their capabilities, and so it meant maybe taking the day off. Yes, trading under the sheds even for the most determined and hardened trader was always going to be a challenge and many decided it wasn’t a good plan. So much so that as our photo shows in some parts of the market you had clear line of sight across 3 different aisles.

But notwithstanding the heat many traders opted to brave the conditions, here are just a few of them, and our sweaty hat goes off to them.
As the day progressed however things didn't quite work out so well for our many of our food vendors. 
At about 12:15pm or so power went out across the Dairy Hall, Meat Hall and H&I Sheds.
As one trader put it “to lose power in one of biggest Saturday trading days of the year is nothing short of disastrous!”
Eventually the source of the problem was found and rectified and by 2:10pm power came back on, much to the cheers of both traders and shoppers.

By 2:58pm just prior to official closing time the temperature in Melbourne registered around 41°, and another eventful trading day had passed.

Undoubtedly a day that will raise many talking points in the days, weeks and possibly months ahead.

Ah, yes never a dull moment at our beloved Queen Victoria Market.