Sunday 24 December 2017

Heard Under The Sheds – 23/12/2017

Lord Mayor Doyle’s Dilemma – given Robert Doyle’s high profile within the city and particularly with QVM matters it is little wonder that his standing-down has attracted some discussion under the sheds. One trader commented that the city gets another tick for professionalism with its swift action to address the claims of sexual misconduct. Even the top man is subject to open scrutiny.

Friday Crowds – were described as the lowest pre-Christmas crowds in memory as the horrific events in Flinders St. on Thursday impacted on shopper visitation to the city.

Big Congratulations -  to the team at Vic Market Gifts for being voted best Christmas Display by market customers and winning the market’s “Deck The Stalls” competition.

A Full Car Park – at 7am on Saturday morning was a joy to behold as the Christmas rush took hold.

Boxing Day Trading Or Not – Victraders received a message from a trader asking why we were not opening on one of the biggest trading days of the year – Boxing Day. Traditionally we close on Boxing Day while the city is full of bargain hunting shoppers. One trader expressed the view that Boxing Day was always about the attraction of huge price reductions as major retailers cleared stock while market traders have bargain prices all year round, so the one day event has little relevance. And of course few people are thinking about food purchases so soon after Christmas. Do we need to reconsider?

Night Market Booms – the last Wednesday night before Christmas attracted some good business for many Specialty Merchandise participants.

The Big Question From A Number of Traders – Specialty trading can prosper post-
Christmas with sales exceeding pre-Christmas in some years. In this gloriously unpredictable world of retailing – what will happen in the remaining trading days of December and the first weeks of January? Fingers crossed for good trading.

Merry Christmas Everyone.