Sunday 9 December 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 9/12/2018

Memories – one of our traders recalled the similarities with the old days (notice he didn’t call them the “good old days”) when times were tough, margins were tight, customers just didn’t want to buy, and traders learned to work really hard to get a sale. He says those times sorted out the real traders and he suspects current times are going to do the same.

A trader commented that the delicious uncertainty of Christmas Trading should keep our minds on our businesses for at least a few weeks.

One of our cafes ran out of food on Sunday. They are not sure why the sudden demand, but whatever the reason, it is a great sign.

Fiery Friday – Friday’s 38 degree heat (42 under the sheds?) certainly tested the comfort levels for traders and customers. But it was the strong North winds that caused a few early closures for outside traders.

Mixed reports on business from the Wednesday Night Market but we won’t keep commenting on the ups’n’downs each week – this is retailing after all.

Important Reminder - The communication to traders has risen in leaps and bounds over recent times and we see no point in repeating all the news but perhaps we can make a special mention of the free Christmas BBQ Breakfast next Friday 14th  from 6:30am in front of the Meat Hall. According to the Trader Bulletin it is to “celebrate all our hard work” so we can all feel entitled and turn up for a big feed. And we wonder who will be wearing the aprons behind the BBQ’s this year?

A trader commented that retailing is really tough right now and there are plenty of hurdles, but she feels that working for yourself still beats the hell out of working for someone else.