Sunday 24 March 2019

Heard Under The Sheds - 24/3/2019

Caricaturist’s license suspended- when we asked Ivano if we could announce his departure from QVM he said on condition that we used this provocative heading. In fact Ivano is taking a European sabbatical, getting  back to some of the environments where he first started caricaturing and incidentally where he used to be offered rent free spots at markets because of the uniqueness he brought to the mix. We will miss the “professor” and his educated perspective on market matters. We are already looking forward to his return and wish him all the best.

No spare seats here - E Shed Food Court Sunday 24th March 2pm
“You can lead a horse to water, but........” -  one trader’s response to Sunday’s crowd in the Upper Market. There were plenty of people, queues at many food outlets, and a variety of tourists.  For some traders the buzz did not translate to sales, for others it was OK and in these tough times OK is most welcome.

Customers reported a big crowd down at the Food & Wine Festival on Southbank over the weekend.

A positive forecast from one trader who says the racing cars have gone, the AFL jumpers are out, and now we can expect a build in sales towards Easter.

RMIT marketing student liaisons with traders have started and expectations are high that linking high tech students with usually low tech traders might just get some interesting results. This is all part of a program run by the Small Business Mentors.

A trader remarked that Night Market trading is great but it is very nice to have a two week break. (The Summer Night Market season finished this Wednesday.) He is expecting to look a little more presentable on a Thursday morning, at least for two weeks. The Europa Night Market re-commences on 10th April.

A trader from the Upper Market who relies on locals tells us that most days he could go home at noon without much impact on sales. His customers generally do morning shopping for food and visit him on their way out. His neighbour on the other hand relies on tourists and he expects more consistent sales throughout the day often with a rush at the end.

One trader’s sales philosophy - “Know when to step in, know when to step back, read their mood, don’t push, but always be helpful, and when they can’t decide say “Don’t worry, I’ll be here next time you come in.”” He adds, “usually they do come back.”

A trader is impressed by the number of traders handing out recyclable paper carry bags. He was initially concerned by the higher cost of paper but says customers will often refuse a paper bag and choose to use the bags they already have. He didn't experience that refusal when using plastic bags.

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