Sunday 3 March 2019

Heard Under The Sheds – 3/3/2019

A bit of movement in the ranks of Fruit & Vegetable traders with reports that award winners from the 2018 QVM Trader Awards, the Bongiorno Brothers, have sold their business, and another F&V Trader has had their license cancelled.

And the caption for this photo – “He’s not spreading, just hanging out the washing.”

It is easy to complain about extreme temperatures during the current heatwave but as one trader pointed out it doesn’t seem to faze our tourist visitors who may only be in town for a few days and just get on with their shopping no matter what the conditions.

While we are talking about tourists – one English tourist said over the weekend that he will be telling his friends back home not to worry so much about the sharks, spiders, and snakes in Australia, but those bush fires are really scary.

Card or bust – a trader reported that card transactions over this weekend constituted 86% of his total sales. He put that down to tourists, including internationals, who now all seem to be enjoying the convenience of tap’n’go technology.

One traders answer to the heat problem.

Did anybody else notice that J Shed didn’t have many stall gaps in Sunday’s extreme heat? Is that aisle becoming the “comfort aisle”?

And one trader says he is surprised at how many traders are attending Opera At The Market this week. He didn’t realise we had so many cultured traders. Another trader who attended last year said the night was quite magnificent and the sound and lighting show off our wonderful old sheds in their true beauty. “Unfortunately we spoil the setting by putting in traders.” He was joking. Seriously! He was joking.