Sunday 28 April 2019

QVM In The News - 28/4/2019

Four days a week, Stephen Ives works on a fruit and veg stall at Melbourne's Queen Victoria Market. The rest of the time he turns his unusual mind to ...
By Shane Scanlan. Lord Mayor Sally Capp has brought the City of Melbourne's Queen Victoria Market (QVM) project back from the brink. Cr Capp last ...
The beloved Queen Victoria Market is the 140-year-old beating heart of the city and Melbourne's most-popular attraction. With more than 600 stalls, ...
And lastly, the City of Melbourne endorsed its revised vision for the Queen Victoria Market renewal project based on feedback and recommendations ...
Police are investigating an assault and robbery which occurred in Melbourne's Queen Victoria Market on 3 March. Investigators have been told a ...
Here's our guide to some of the world's favourite food markets. .... Aptly housed in Victorian architecture, the “Queen Vic Market” is the largest open-air ...