Sunday 7 July 2019

Heard Under The Sheds – 7/7/2019

A Trader sent us this photo taken after closing at the Night Market where clearly patrons have difficulty finding places to leave their food rubbish. The trader reckons if you stand still long enough you may end up becoming a target as well. The crowd on Wednesday night was certainly huge.

On a similar vein, we had a couple of complaints about congestion on Wednesday Night which may need some tweaking with crowd control, but certainly is a very nice problem to have.

A Trader says he listens intently to what his customers are asking for and attempts to meet their requests. With trends changing so quickly he reckons his customers will give him new pathways before he reads about them in trade magazines.

We’ve written elsewhere about Trader, David Kiper, and here he turns up again in a promotion sighted on one of our freeway overpasses.

Christmas at the market in July was featured on a Channel 10 morning show during the week including an on-air interview with Marketing Manager, Meg Dalla Lana, at Melbourne’s best Christmas shop, which is located within our market down on Elizabeth St.

A Trader asks if it is OK to growl at children who are mistreating stock in full view of their parents.

Traders are starting to move into L Shed in front of the newly decorated container shops.

A Trader was getting a lift home after a vehicle breakdown and the tow truck driver asked him if the Queen Victoria Market had re-opened yet. It seems that customer perception is difficult to shake following the untidy renewal debate a couple of years back.

And a little note about readership on Victraders – generally this Heard Under The Sheds article wins the readership poll every week but last week two other articles were more widely read – the report on the Lord Mayor’s Small Business Awards and the article about curating the gaps in the Upper Market.

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