Sunday 17 March 2019

Heard Under The Sheds - 17/3/2019

It would be difficult to find two more competitive traders than Joe & Mino but that didn’t stop them from sharing a comrade moment this week.

While a trader sat watching Opera In The Market recently he caught himself thinking how many customers paying $169 could fit into a standard market stall. And he came to two conclusions - firstly, that he can see why QVM might be interested in running more events under the sheds, and secondly, perhaps he should be taking singing lessons.

Speaking of business opportunities, one of our traders has proposed standing outside the toilets at the top of SBA and charging a small fee to dry the hands of customers because after 10:00am there are never any paper towels left (Not another toilet story - Ed)

There are many wonderful photo opportunities around our market and Ronnie’s van must be one of the most popular. Karl’s American Doughnut Kitchen might just claim top billing in the most photographed category but both are wonderful tourist magnets.

Sticking with Ronnie's van - a trader suggests that Ronnie should invest in a red Ferrari to attach to his van during Grand Prix week.

Forget the Grand Prix - one of our traders is suggesting that we might get more mileage (excuse the pun) out of St. Patrick’s Day than the Grand Prix which seems to drain the Northern end of the city. A Guinness stall in every aisle?

Another trader has a contrary view and says this is the first year he can remember that Grand Prix attendees were clearly evident in his sales tally on GP weekend.

And finally, there have been a few side bets on where Betty Jennings might end up when she makes way for the new containers in String Bean Alley. The shortest odds are on Betty getting just the spot she wants.