Sunday 25 August 2019

RMIT Interns Making Real Improvements to Trader’s Website

Our photo shows RMIT Interns Shantelle-Ann (L) and Christian (R) who are assisting Trader, Greg Smith, update his business website through the QVM - SBMS mentoring program.

Shantelle-Ann is a Journalist and she is working on stories to better inform viewers and customers. She is compiling questions related to key aspects of the business and then researching responses which will be added to a blog component on the website. Stories will involve products that perhaps are not fully understood by the public but have interesting history, uses, and benefits. The idea is to inform and entertain, and generally make the website more attractive to potential customers.

Christian is skilled in web development and he is upgrading a rather old fashioned website presentation into something more dynamic, more interesting, and easier for customers to navigate. His aim is to keep it simple (not too many products to confuse customers) but essentially to make it easier to navigate the site, make a choice, and press that all-important “buy” button or alternatively direct customers to the market.

This liaison with RMIT interns and students is part of the QVM-SBMS mentoring program to assist Traders through retail change at QVM.

By Greg Smith