Sunday 3 November 2013

Market Renewal – Consultation

The first 12 months of renewal will involve consultation with traders, customers, local residents, businesses, heritage interests and other interest groups although much will be done over coming weeks.

Consultation with customers has already started with a container in String Bean Alley being made a consultation centre and vox pops (from latin vox populi “meaning voice of the people”) operating around the market. The container will be the feature venue on Saturday 9th November and Sunday 10th from 10am to 3pm.
Public questions will include –
Where do you live?
How often do you visit the market?
What do you love about the market?
What would you change about the market?
What aspects do you think should be protected?
Do you have any aspects of the market you would like to share?
Do you have a big idea for the market?

Traders will be involved in three special consultation groups of 20 traders beginning on Thursday 7th November. Deli Hall and permanent shop traders will be at that first consultation. Meat, fish and fruit & vege traders will meet on Tuesday 12th November and general merchandise traders will join together on Tuesday 19th November. Trader Representatives will be contacting potential participants over coming days.