Sunday 1 December 2019

Thinking Of Selling Your Stall?

A few weeks back we published an article titled "Selling Your Stall? Don't Sell Yourself Short." It urged Traders to consider the true value of their business before launching into a sale. Businesses at QVM have been notoriously undersold over the years and maybe it is time we became more professional about this important process.

Well, SBMS have decided to take the subject a step further and engage an expert in small business saleability to assist Traders through a Question & Answer session on Wednesday 15th January 2020.

Here are the details -  

If you are thinking of selling in the next year….
Come along to a Q & A Session
On Wednesday 15th January 2020

More than 50% of Exits are INVOLUNTARY.
More than 70% of Business Owners have NOT THOUGHT ABOUT IT = no exit strategy.

Without fully investigating the value that has been built up over all the years, you may be potentially throwing away all your blood, sweat and tears, and not-to-mention, your hard-fought time and hard-earned money, for nothing.

Is your business in good shape for sale?

This is your opportunity to ask any questions about selling your business, for example, how do I work out what my business may be worth? (Don't forget to write down your questions before the event). Denise can help you facilitate freedom from your Business no longer serving your purpose with strictly confidential SBMS mentoring.

Date: Wednesday 15th January 2020
Time: 11am - 1pm  Includes a light lunch
Venue: Board Room, Trader Lounge (266 Victoria Street)
*** Please note registration is required for catering.
RSVP by 9th January 2020 to, tel Madalen on 1300 631 171 or register online