Sunday 26 January 2020

Consumer Law Workshop At Trader Lounge

There have been many amendments to consumer laws in recent years and understanding your obligations (and your customers obligations) becomes an imperative if you are to avoid difficult exchanges.

Do you know the rights of your customers and your obligations to them?  

Do you understand Consumer Guarantees and Rights under Australian Consumer Law? 

A Consumer Law Workshop is to be held at the Trader Lounge on Wednesday 19th February and facilitated by Sally Lawrence, SBMS Business Mentor, Master in Business
Law, Employment Law and Consumer Law, Contract Law & Governance. Sally
is an experienced mentor and coach who understands that business can be both extremely rewarding and extremely challenging.

Here are the details:

Date: Wednesday 19th February
Venue: Trader Lounge Boardroom
Time:  11am to 1pm with a light lunch provided.

Registration is required for catering purposes.
RSVP: by 13th February 2020.

Register on line at