Sunday 1 May 2016

Heard Under The Sheds

Actually this week it is more about items that were seen rather than heard.

Whose Friends Are These? – a couple of confused traders have asked about reports of vandalism to our market, destroying our heritage, and a collection of bad customer reviews. Turns out they come from a leaflet being distributed on behalf of Friends of Queen Victoria Market. We are not sure who they are friends of. They obviously are not friends of City Council and it has been suggested that their negative propaganda is harmful to the market itself. Until we know what is planned for the renewal it is difficult for anyone to make judgements.
If you are looking for some real customer reviews head over to Trip Advisor. They seem to love our market.

Car Boot Sale – A number of traders have expressed concern at this Sunday’s poor showing at the Car Boot Sale. Maybe the bad weather overnight deterred participants? Not everybody is as tough as us traders. But seriously, it would appear that even a humble car boot sale is not immune from the retail recession.

Strange Appearances 1. – It is presumed that this little patch was the result of some soil testing. Apparently a few of them appeared in the upper area of A,B and C sheds this week. We can only speculate on the reason for testing.

Strange Appearance 2. – This Go-Pro type multi direction camera appeared in J Shed this week. A 360 degree video camera or a new age Dalek?