Monday 3 June 2013

Anger at Box Storage Solution

Management recently advised that off-stall box storage facilities would be reduced with the closure of the carpark storage cages adjacent to M shed. Traders who used that facility will need to store boxes on their stall, or make the trek across the carpark to leave their boxes in the Franklin St. sheds. The reduction in trader's storage facilities is an issue for many, and one trader has written to us as follows.

03/06/2013 12:35:32 Box storage "I would like to express my anger over the QVM policy to restrict the boxes storage month by month, and deny the services that we had for many decades.
As most of the stall holders uses the boxes, for the storage of their merchandise, and many of them have more than 2 and 3 boxes. It would be impossible for them to accommodate the boxes inside their stall. 
The stall holders are paying rent for the stall and services that our employer ( The QVM Pty Ltd.) and the (City of Melbourne) is providing to us for generations. Its part of the business and it is an essential part, that the livelihood of most of the stall holders depends on it.
I hope the Melbourne City Council, and the office of the QVM have a close look at this problem and avoid the implications, that this problems brings to the whole market in the future.
Storage boxes have been a part of the market for merchandise storage for generations, and it is not possible to deny these services without a proper study of the traders situations, and consultations with them."

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