Sunday 23 June 2013

News Under The Sheds - Things We've Heard

- Jenny Hibbs has been appointed General Manager at Dandenong Market - reported in a Dandenong Market memorandum dated 21st. June.
- A customer from WA suggests more Perth tourists will visit QVM following the closure of Perth Market and the unsuccessful renewal of Fremantle Market.
- the operators of Uscha have taken over one of the String Bean Alley containers to add to their existing market stall.
- The allocation of a stall in J shed to a souvenir operator who already operates 4 stalls has been withdrawn. (CORRECTION: Please note that this report is incorrect. No stall has been allocated and so there has been no withdrawal. At any one time there are many stall applications held at QVM and we have been assured they are all treated with due diligence. It would appear the rumour mill got ahead of itself on this occasion  - Ed.)