Sunday 29 June 2014

Professional PA Voice Impresses At QVM

What a difference a professional voice makes over our PA system. Was anybody else impressed with the PA presentation on Sunday? It would have been nice to hear more about Specialty merchandise stalls but getting a professional presentation of what was happening around the market, and how to join in the events, seemed a good idea.
What did you think?

30/06/2014 14:19:16 Professional PA "It was good to hear a professional PA on the speaker system.
I had a couple of customer comment on the fact that he WAFFLED on a bit to much, and they got lost in what he was trying to achieve.

From a general merchandise trader, l was disappointed that the main focus, was the dairy hall, and that the rest of market was generally forgotten about. Every announcement contained info about the dairy hall. It felt like the general merchandise area was again, the area of the market that people don't want to discuss. 
It makes me feel like people are ashamed that our great QVM has a general merchandise area. It feels like they think that all a re market should be is, Fruit, Veggies, Meat, Fish and Dairy products. 
It would be nice to have the same amount of focus put into the general merchandise area, as goes into the rest of the market. 
I wonder how the other areas would feel, if the tables were turned, and they got basically no coverage, in our advertising, and the focus was all about the general merchandise. Im sure they would feel that they are hard done by as well.
The only trader that really got a mention was the Prahran Market trader, who has a stall on Sundays only in ""A"" shed. "

30/06/2014 22:31:54 profesional speakers "Great idea on Sunday, gave the market more of a professional feeling. keep it up." andrew g.
07/07/2014 22:51:33 professional speaker "Im at the top of L shed on sunday and all i could hear was noise, he wasnt very clear at all, or maybe it was the speakers."  Leah