Thursday 27 July 2017

The Future Of Marketing At QVM

The Director of Customer Engagement, Mark Scott, has left QVM and his redundancy raises significant questions about the important function of retail marketing. It looks like we won't have to wait long to find out how things may be done in the future. 

Details of a new management organisation structure are to be released next week. Mark had already starting sending us down the road of social media and digital marketing with some pretty impressive social media viewing scores particularly on the Night Market content. In fact at least some of the credit for the excellent crowd results at the Winter Night Market have been attributed to carefully positioned digital marketing. More generally, Mark had set up direct access to marketing staff and many traders have experienced their first exposure to the brand new world of social media particularly on Facebook.

For some traders this is old ground but for many digital marketing is new, and some will ask “what the hell is digital marketing?” 

Finding out that the person/position responsible for marketing at QVM has been made redundant has understandably unsettled many traders. “Dismay” is the term used by one senior trader. We have been assured that this is not the end of marketing, just a more appropriate organisational structure to achieve today's marketing reality. That might sound like a bit of marketing hype. Let’s hope next week’s announcement makes perfectly clear sense to traders.