Sunday 11 February 2018

New Market Pavilion Planning Application

The new plans for the New Market Pavilion show a smaller structure with various alterations including the removal of 5 Plane Trees previously left in place as part of the complex.

Here is a summary of the amendments available on the CoM website:
-         Reduction in the length of the Pavilion from 254 metres to 111 metres.
-         Slight reduction in the width of the pavilion from east to west from 19 metres to 17.7 metres.
-         Removal of seven plane trees in the location of the proposed pavilion in accordance with recommendations.
-         Reduction in the extent of ‘netting’ associated with the greenhouse.
-         Relocation of the amphitheatre bleacher seating from north to south and reversal from the west to the east side.
-         Reversal of northern stair from the west to the east side.
-         Conversion of the double height bay where the plane trees were located to additional greenhouse area.
-         Retention of the amenities block.
-         Removal of cool rooms from the market carpark.
-         The three-bay greenhouse structure is modified to include five bays over the width and length of a steel platform.

The plans show features like Refuse Processing Equipment on the upper level of the structure, seating areas, pedestrian crossing locations, and contain a variety of overhead and cross-section views to help determine exactly how the area might look.