Sunday 25 February 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 25/2/2018

Empty Stalls – some concern has been expressed about a comment on these pages that empty stalls are the result of global retail recession. What wasn’t said is that management have a large part to play in how we address the issue. – see separate article.

How Transparent Are EOI’s – a couple of traders have expressed concern that some traders have already been offered containers in String Bean Alley, despite assurances that every trader would be given an opportunity to apply through an EOI process. Maybe these “offers” are not really offers, but just identifying options.

Bold & Beautiful has nothing on QVM at the moment with all the publicity about misconduct in the press. One trader suggested that all that is missing is some sex and then immediately regretted suggesting that possibility. We have enough intrigue.

ATO Representatives – sound advice from one of our traders – If an ATO official asks to buy something at your stall, don’t say you only accept cash or you have lost your receipt book.

Rubbish – one of our traders sent us these photos as possible options for QVM. Not quite sure how this works but the surface aesthetics look great.

String Bean Alley – according to one of our traders, if we are serious about activating SBA, it needs a roof and that storage shed at the top of the aisle has to go. The night market fittings will need to be stored elsewhere while we create an inviting entrance to this potentially important trading area.

27/02/2018 22:27:02      QVM In the news   "You had forgotten or overlooked an article in Saturday 14-2 Herald Sun headlining "Email Slap For Traders regarding traders not being offered new licenses  during the renewal period which involves over 200 SL & Casual traders .Any Thoughts."
We use an automated service to bring up the over 200 articles p.a. about QVM but that one doesn't appear to have been listed. I guess you can access it direct with the Herald Sun. I think it is referring to the decision by management some time ago not to renew leases until there was certainty around renewal. That has since been modified in a letter to traders dated 16th June 2017 advising that all traders holding SL licences will be eligible to have their licences renewed by QVM Pty Ltd when their current licences expire. - Ed

01/03/2018 22:34:04      ATO at QVM            "Does anyone else think it ironic that the Australian Tax Office are in the Market talking to stallholders about improving their business in the same week news papers are printing articles about police investigating the Market over possible fraud allegations?"
Definitely an interesting conjunction of events - Ed