Thursday 1 February 2018

QVM Renewal Update

Joanne Wandel, Program Director for the QVM Precinct Renewal has sent traders an update concerning timing on aspects of the renewal, changes to the design of the New Market Pavilion, additional containers for String Bean Alley, and refreshment to the Queen St toilets. We also understand there will be some minor works to address sun protection in J Shed.

The graphic above shows the new NMP design.

"30 January 2018

Dear Traders
Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Update

Whilst we had anticipated that new market pavilion construction would commence in early 2018, I am now writing to advise you of a further planning process to amend the new market pavilion permit to reflect a number of design changes. This will mean a delay in the commencement of construction in Queen Street. 

The City of Melbourne is awaiting planning process outcomes for a number of key renewal projects, and we now anticipate a full view of the operation of the transitional market will not be available until around May 2018. As a result, major trader relocations associated with renewal works are unlikely to occur until late 2018.

The current status of key projects: 

Sheds A-D (Q2) – The trigger for the majority of relocations in the upper market is commencement of Shed A-D (Q2) works. With Heritage Victoria recently extending the assessment time by an additional 60 days, we now anticipate a determination on the permit application in April.  

New Market Pavilion – Due to design changes, an amendment to the planning permit is required and will be advertised on site for a period of 14 days (yet to commence). The revised design includes: - A shorter pavilion (from 254 metres to 111 metres), with the Queen Street toilets retained and refreshed.  - Simpler design with the removal of a row of columns, for improved trading and operational flexibility.  - Removal of seven plane trees, reducing impact on trading floor.  While the permit amendment is being considered, the renewal team will continue to work with the identified contractor to prepare the design for delivery, thereby seeking to minimise the potential impact to the program schedule. QVM management will then advertise the Expression of Interest (EOI) for the pavilion trading floor. 

String Bean Alley – In accordance with the Implementation Framework, two new transitional market areas were identified to accommodate traders. Investigations are now underway for improvements between Sheds L & M to provide traders with new trading locations and improved weather protection. Containers, similar to those in Shed M, will provide new and interesting retail opportunities for traders and customers alike. As soon as details are confirmed, QVM management will coordinate an EOI process for traders. 

While the renewal planning processes continue, the QVM P/L trader one-on-one meetings are continuing as planned. Although the timing of the relocations are subject to these matters, it’s important that you have all the available information to help you make informed decisions about your business, and can discuss with management your needs and priorities as we all prepare for renewal works.   We acknowledge the impact of delays and uncertainty has for you and your customers. This will be a continual conversation with you as renewal gets underway, from the works themselves, to the operations and logistics arrangements proposed for the transitional market once construction commences. Throughout this process, we will work closely with QVM P/L and the broader trader community to ensure the continued operations and customer experience of the market. 

Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate and deliver the renewal program.  If you have any further questions, please speak to your Precinct Manager.  "