Sunday 5 August 2018

New Engagement Process For QVM

A proposal will be put to Council this week for the formation of a People’s Panel to advise council and give a broad range of participation to groups interested in the market’s future.

The panel will include 28 independently and randomly selected traders, customers and community members, together with 12 invited key stakeholders who have an interest in the revised market infrastructure proposal. We understand that input will be invited from Heritage Victoria, Worksafe, and Victoria Police.

It is intended that the People’s Panel will be involved in a series of workshops between September and October 2018 to consider a variety of market issues.

In May 2018 Council agreed to provide a revised proposal for QVM infrastructure. This followed the refusal by Heritage Victoria to approve Council plans for underground facilities in the Upper Market. The aim is that this new process will culminate in one or more QVM infrastructure options being presented to Council at a later date, hopefully by the end of 2018.