Sunday 29 July 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 28/7/2018

Greater Co-operation – a few traders have mentioned how our busy Precinct Managers, referring particularly to Peter & Russell, are seemingly more willing to say “Yes” these days. They are talking about things like stall transfers. Whatever the reason, making it easier for traders to adjust their businesses in tough times, is most welcome.

Colourful Bollards   a few traders have praised the bollard covers down on Queen St. saying they are colourful and useful (see separate article).

Storage Boxes – storage boxes are essential pieces of infrastructure for traders but they won’t win any beauty competitions. Boxes like this one placed on the footpath at the top of String Bean Alley are the cause of complaints simply because they restrict line of sight and add nothing to the look of the market. We understand that more work is being done on painting boxes to make them more appealing. Maybe this one should be first on the list.

Pink Concerts – Pink’s fans are evident in our market but perhaps they are not having the same impact as last time around. With tickets reportedly costing around $300, perhaps it is no wonder fans don’t a have a lot to shop with.

Red Moon – one trader (no names) admitted that he was admiring this beautiful natural phenomena  through the trees early Saturday morning when he realise he was looking at an orange street lamp in the next street. Another asked that if a full moon brings out strange creatures (we think he was talking about market customers) what would a full eclipse bring? We are not sure if he got his answer.

QVM Heritage – a pop-up shop on Victoria St. is highlighting some wonderful old photos of the market, many of which had been languishing on the walls of the market office. The display at 141 Victoria St. is only there until 5th August but worth a visit between 10:30 and 1:00.

30/07/2018 10:54:10      Pink Concert            "Just had my best weekend in a while and I am crediting it to Pink. A diverse group of customers from interstate who don't often come to Melbourne and found the market offer enticing. No sophisticated market research but based on customer comments."
Thanks for the feedback - Ed