Tuesday 6 November 2018

A Great Night For Traders

Tonight’s Trader Ball continued the tradition set on 2016 by focusing on a celebration of traders but this time there were a couple of twists.

For starters, Lord Mayor, Sally Capp, attended and didn’t just pop in for a speech but stayed the night and participated in every award presentation. Chairman of the Board, Jane Fenton, also participated.

But the big change was the presentation of awards based on customer votes. Nearly 8,000 customer votes were collated and awards made in a number of categories with a few surprises. George The Fishmonger didn’t win the fish category nor did the American Donut Van win their category. And some of the winners had questionable knowledge of computers and the internet, showing you don’t have to be a technical whizz to make the most of social media and online promotion.

There were also a number of awards given by management and no doubt full details of all the awards will be published soon.

The night was expertly curated by David Mann, Stan Liacos introduced the award winners and closed the evening with praise for traders and the management team, the music was a well received blend of blues and pop, the food was good, and one of the attendees was only 8 months old and he stayed awake and behaved himself the whole evening

This will go down as a most enjoyable night and one trader predicted that the system of customer voting has introduced a whole new competitive spirit that will likely raise the bar with trader/customer engagement for next time. The bonus is that we get thousands more customer email addresses in the process.

And finally, Danny and Ariel Lewin you should have been there. You won an award.

07/11/2018 11:25:03       The market ball       "What a great new Lord Mayor we have , Sally ,C. She was just like one of us. A great thank you for your time, and great sense of humour. "    Andy