Sunday 18 August 2019

Heard Under The Sheds – 18/8/2019

Following our article a couple of weeks back about sourcing goods overseas, one of our Traders reports that he was forced to go to China to source some key products when local suppliers stopped importing. The local suppliers were responding to the general downturn in business, and by-passing them to go direct to the source has worked out well for this Trader.

There is a rumour that the Summer Night Market footprint may not include F Shed Traders this year. Keeping the Night Market full and busy adds to a successful atmosphere but it would be unfortunate if fewer Traders were exposed to the Night Market opportunity.

The media reaction to our new food delivery service has been huge with multiple articles across the traditional and social media spectrum. One Trader observes that there is now equally huge pressure to get this right. He hopes the Traders who participate are well prepared.

With seemingly bad news on TV and in the papers all the time at the moment, one of our Traders says he has a new daily resolution – get all his customers to leave with a smile.

You will be pleased to know that Spring is in the air according to one of our market experts. Guru Pete says the bees have started buzzing around the planter boxes and Pete is always right.

Apparently a group of Traders have incorporated “Chocolate Day” into their working week. They take it in turns to buy and share a couple of blocks from the Melbourne Cocoa Company in String Bean Alley.

And to the Trader who said we wouldn’t publish his joke – “What vehicle does a sheep drive – a utility.”

A Trader says the news in the latest Trader Bulletin that Chinese tourists are now more likely to shop individually instead of through shopping groups is very positive. Tourists being siphoned off to over-priced souvenir warehouses is hopefully on its way out.