Sunday 14 January 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 14/1/2018

Paul Guerra’s Apparent Departure – caught a lot of attention this week with the news that he had been appointed CEO of the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria. The facts were a little less interesting when it was realised that Paul was doing what he has always done. Ever since being appointed Chairman of the Queen Victoria Market 6 or 7 years ago, Paul Guerra has held executive roles with companies involved in various industries including communication and health. And he is still Chairman.

The Tennis Crowd – is certainly bringing an interesting impact to our market with nationalities from all over the world walking our aisles. This would appear to be an ideal time for souvenir sellers with one seller still trying to pack up at 4:30 on Friday despite regular interruptions from tourists who realised he was the only opportunity still open in the market. One trader who keeps detailed records says 35% of his customers on Sunday were in Melbourne for the tennis.

Compromising Market Recovery – our article about repetition ( drew a number of comments and suggestions. One trader suggested that allowing the departing trader to trade rent free for a suitable period (say 2 months) would allow him to clear stock, give him some return on his investment, and ultimately avoid repetition.

Key Board Member Resigns – George Christopoulos, who has great experience in the hospitality industry, has resigned from the QVM board. It is not unusual for Board members to move on but George will be missed by many after 8 years service.

Australia Day Debate – perhaps the significant thing here is that Management's decision to close on Australia Day has garnered little debate. As one trader said “My entrepreneurial compass tells me we should be trading on Australia Day, but given the state of business, I am looking forward to a day off.”