Sunday 29 April 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 29/4/2018

Social Media promotion for our 140th birthday bash has been consistent and frequent. It will be interesting to get reports on business over the weekend. Is there a connection between crowds for special occasions and sales?

Thursday’s meeting in the Engagement Centre to discuss the upcoming online traders hub was attended by the usual contributors and apparently covered some good ground with at least one participant happy that the proposed online information will be useful for traders. Apparently some of the information being considered apart from individual leave and rents, is general market news, trading opportunities, registration for maintenance issues, city news, and customer information like cruise ship attendance.

String Bean Alley container vacancy. There is plenty of speculation about who might take up residence in the soon to be vacant container in SBA. Apparently the unofficial betting market has Mick the Wood-burner at short odds – purely trader speculation.

Graves, graves and more graves – a number of newer traders have been surprised at all the press speculation about graves at QVM. The rest of us have heard it all before. What can you say? – it sells papers.

Reports of strong sales on Tuesday this week from a few traders in the top end. Apparently that was put down to visitors to the city for ANZAC Day the following day. Many regional visitors and even some as far away as NZ come to the city for ANZAC services.

A quick straw poll mid afternoon Sunday concluded that our birthday bash had attracted big crowds on the Sunday but traders in the upper market experienced mainly poor sales results. Crowds were out for the entertainment but not to buy.

String Bean Alley – one of our traders is asking why we are looking at boring utilitarian containers for SBA when there are far more professional options available including the POD trialled in C Shed?

Have Your Say - click here.

29/04/2018 20:43:20 String Bean Alley Containers "Very interesting your comment on Utilitarian Containers in String Bean Alley. 
QVM Logistic Solutions have manufactured 6 of the Next Generation PODS (C Shed) many months ago and are available for inspection at 190 Franklin St. 
These Pods were architecturally designed and manufactured with the approval of the Ex CEO Malcolm Mc Cullough.
Logistic Solutions had received 28 orders for these Innovative Containers from Stallholders and the Market would certainly benefit from this new look.  Maybe you can talk to QVM Management and ask them why they are not giving us permission to use these Pods?
Perhaps you can also ask them to pay their outstanding invoice?  " QVM Logistic Solutions
Thank you for that information -Ed.