Sunday 16 June 2019

Heard Under The Sheds – 16/6/2019

A proposal to introduce bonds equivalent to 3 months rent has dominated discussion in the Upper market this week with many traders surprised at the timing given extremely difficult trading conditions – see separate article.

A Trader noticed that a team of photographers taking photos of various food dishes available at the Night Market were themselves the target of dozens of tourists eager to photograph what they were doing. Our market fascinates tourists for lots of different reasons.

New stall lines have been marked out in L Shed to create a 3.3m depth behind the new SBA Containers and one previous L Shed Trader says he is already considering the move back to his old stall.

A customer was heard to ask a trader if he could help him find a particular trader. The customer had been to the Visitor Information Centre at the bottom of String Bean Alley but they were unable to help. The trader was eventually found but it should be noted that traders can ring the Information Centre (0393205822), and by taking menu option 2, be put through to the F1 Trader Hub where market staff should be able to help with stallholder locations.

The back of the String Bean Alley containers are to be decorated with vinyl panels. The vinyl may be subject to damage and Traders are being asked to keep fittings and storage boxes away from the panels so that they serve their purpose of improving the look of the trading area.

The news got around that Ronnie Z’s mushroom soup on Friday was a standout and traders quickly responded. We can confirm that it wasn’t Ronnie who started the rumour and the soup was genuinely delicious (we wouldn’t expect anything else from Ronnie). The rumour mill at QVM certainly works very quickly.

Another trader was eyeing off the storage sheds at the top of SBA for the possibility of setting up a stall with more display area, particularly ceiling height.

Apparently a trader has pulled out of SBA due to the potential damage on fragile art paper products from moisture penetration. Rain can enter containers particularly on windy days. A replacement trader has been found.

A Trader tells us that the bookshop going into SBA is the famous Mary Martin Bookshop from Southbank.

A Trader tells us of his friend who travels from suburban Melbourne to QVM most weeks just to purchase doughnuts from the American Doughnut Kitchen. Gotta love those regular customers.

A Trader gave us a link to a story about a Newsagent in suburban Sydney who sharpens knives as a sideline. He is now wondering about the possibilities for unusual sidelines for his market business. (Sidenote: There is a shop on Victoria St. near the market with a sign "Bicycle Repairs & Coffee")