Sunday 9 June 2019

Trader Deliveries Receive Committee of Trustees Focus

At the Committee of Trustees meeting on 28th May a presentation on OH&S issues was discussed with particular reference to safely mixing deliveries and logistics with pedestrian movements and what facilities and timing would best achieve good outcomes. Clearly there are areas where more work needs to be done and new facilities planned for Queen St. will feature in on-going discussions.

From The Executive Summary:
Key Strategic Issue: Market Health and Safety
The Committee received a presentation on Market Health and Safety. The Committee:  
-        - Noted that balancing health and safety with consumer activity is a key challenge and dilemma for market management.  
-        - Explored options to balance hours and mechanisms for delivery and logistics with pedestrian movements, with 8- 10am is the key challenge to minimise risk to consumers but provide a practical solution for traders.  
-        - It shared that increased storage that’s planned as part of the renewal will assist in reducing truck numbers and movements.  
-        - Discussed the layout of some components of the market to improve customer experiences, safety and operational efficiencies, and the design public spaces to ensure pedestrian friendliness and sound market operations.  
-        - Also discussed location for bus drop-off zones and business to business activities.

QVM Operations and QVM Precinct Renewal Update 
- The Committee noted the updates provided. 
- The Committee had a further discussion on trading hours and the lease and licensing approach. 
- Management has incorporated Committee feedback into the Market Square Charter and will now start broader discussions across CoM.

The Queen Victoria Market Committee of Trustees (Committee) provides the highest source of strategic advice to the Melbourne City Council (Council) on both the Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal Program (QVMRP) and Queen Victoria Market (‘QVM’) operations.

Its purpose is to ensure a broad range of views are considered and to advise the Council on matters of strategic importance to the renewal or trading operations of the QVM. Chaired by the Lord Mayor, the Committee is comprised of 13 members, including market traders, community representatives, independent nominees and Councillors.