Tuesday 23 August 2011

The End of Bricks & Mortar Retailers?

“At the barbecue of retail business, bricks and mortar are the smouldering ashes while online retail flames leap through the grill.” This quote from a recent RetailBiz article may be extreme but the trends are undeniable.
Some more quotes from a recent Online Retailer Conference and E-commerce Expo - “Australian consumers want to shop online, there is no doubt about it - and the fact is they can, anywhere, anytime”. “Too many bricks and mortar retailers are clinging to traditional models that presume shoppers want to make a time-consuming trip to a store, battle for scarce parking, beg for service, stand in a checkout queue and then lug shopping bags back out to the car.”
Coming from a symposium on E-commerce, you would expect views like this but, even if you strip out the bias, it seems clear that modern retailers need to embrace a variety of online and social networking methods as they chase the customer dollar.
Fortunately for Queen Victoria Market Traders you don’t have to computer experts to achieve this. The QVM can do it for you. Simply contact Andrew Cyples with your product information and you can join the online revolution.