Sunday 3 July 2016

Renewal Implementation Draws Near

Traders will be aware that an extended QVMAC meeting was held at the Engagement Hub on Queen St. last Thursday. The meeting involved members of management, Trader Representatives and around 10 extra traders representing key areas of the market.

The purpose of the meeting was to get an overview of the Renewal Implementation Plan which has been the focus of the project team since early this year. The Implementation Plan follows on from the QVM Precinct Renewal Master Plan that was approved by Council mid-2015.

The Master Plan includes provision for a whole range of renewal considerations including market parking at the Munro site, and the potential for service facilities under ABC&D Sheds and H&I sheds. Thursday’s discussions included the options for temporary markets while construction is undertaken.

Management are currently developing a structured communication plan which will encompass group presentations and ultimately one to one discussions with impacted traders. We expect to hear more details over the next week.

Council is expected to allocate more than $130m to the renewal project over the next three years out of the up to $250m total investment.