Sunday 6 November 2016

Heard Under The Sheds – 3/11/2016

Awards Night – traders have given a glowing account of our inaugural trader awards night. The opportunity to mix with fellow traders, management staff and Board members was appreciated by all. Perhaps the only complaints were that the sweets could have been more delightful, and some traders were wondering why they didn’t get an award. They were joking (we think).

Dancing the Night Away – Box hire operator, Danny, showed great dancing skills at the awards night although he wasn’t alone.

A Kiss For Betty – Betty Jennings was inducted into the QVM Hall of Fame but unfortunately couldn’t make it on the night. That didn’t stop CEO Malcolm McCullough from visiting her stall during the week and presenting the award plus giving her a kiss on the cheek. Well done Betty!

It Pays To Be Sure – a tourist from the USA asked one of our traders for a 32” garment and when presented with the item asked “Is that US inches?”

Construction Timetable – we learnt during the week that the first post hole for our temporary market on Queen St. could be dug in July 2017.

Declining Box Hire – apparently the supply of unused storage boxes is increasing as traders leave the market or re-jig their existing operations. New traders may be less likely to engage box hire until they sort out their trading options. Either way it is a concern for box hire operators.

K Shed Lighting - plaudits from traders in K Shed now that they have additional aisle lighting and the dreaded hit and miss of the old lighting has been corrected. 

New Cameras - additional cameras have been installed around the market. Traders are wondering if they are just enhanced CCTV facilities or some sort of new customer counting system.