Monday 6 March 2017

Heard Under The Sheds - 5/3/2017

Ooops – some confusion amongst traders when it was found that the Turkish Festival mentioned in the Trader Bulletin for March 4-5 was actually taking place the following weekend.

Helping Our Competitors – we might call this Ooops 2 because traders were certainly upset at reports that one of our Night Market Sponsors, Nova 100, was handing out Chadstone Shopping Centre Vouchers at the market. This was confirmed by one trader who reportedly received a $50 voucher. Three questions were asked  -
          1.   Who at Nova thought it was a good idea to cross support competitors?
          2. Who at QVM thought this was OK?
          3. When will Chadstone be giving us return rights?

QVM Leads The Field On Cheap Exchange Rates – our Exchange Booth in C Shed got thumbs up from at least one trader who wanted to purchase US dollars. Normally he would check the official exchange rate and then expect a lower rate once the bank has taken their commission, but not this time. The Exchange Booth actually gave slightly better than the official rate. Something to do with excess conversion of US Dollars to Australian Dollars at QVM.

Departure of Long Term Traders – at least one trader is concerned at how little fanfare (actually no fanfare) accompanies the departure of traders, particularly long term traders. We have only recently introduced the annual Trader Award Night and perhaps we could think of a suitable recognition for departing traders.

If you have an idea we would like to hear it. And please make it better than one suggestion which was for a pre-dawn telephone call once a week just to remind ex-traders of the good old days. Some people are sick.