Sunday 12 March 2017

Heard Under The Sheds – 12/3/2017

Missing Overhead Racks – apparently a few of those bars that hang above stalls in the top end have gone missing. Not sure if they have been deliberately removed for safety reasons or it is a case of “If it ain’t tied down its fair game.”

No More Cash Rent Payments – as part of organisational re-structuring, management have decided to do away with cashiers. As you would expect there has been a mixture of responses under the sheds ranging from outrage at another trader convenience being removed to compliments for at last bringing the market into the 21st Century. One trader rationalised that she had to go to the bank anyway to deposit takings so she could pay rent there as well. Are there any traders left who only deal in cash?

What’s Happening With TRC? – a couple of traders asking for news on the committee that was going to revolutionise trader involvement in market matters. We understand there have now been two TRC meetings but no agenda, no minutes, and no direct feedback to traders.

Tougher Action On Cars – Regular public announcements about cars parked illegally on Queen St or in sheds, often with repeated warnings, have raised the ire of some traders who maintain that the problem could be fixed by simply having vehicles towed away after one warning. Those who disrespect our operational requirements deserve tough action.