Sunday 26 August 2018

New Proposal For String Bean Alley

QVM and City of Melbourne have plans for String Bean Alley and traders can find out more about it next Friday after the market.

The proposal includes adding 12 new container-style retail outlets to the precinct. The proposal will seek to attract more customers to this area of the market, supporting existing traders and also give visitors a unique Melbourne laneway experience.

String Bean Alley has shown promise particularly through its association with the Night Markets but during the Day Market parts of it have looked more like a car-park or box storage area . We note that the official advice refers to “container-style” retail outlets. What does that actually mean? Will pods, like the test unit in C Shed, form part of this new proposal?

All will be revealed at Market Expresso Coffee on String Bean Alley this coming Friday 31st August from 3:15pm. All traders are invited and coffee and snacks will be provided.