Sunday 14 July 2019

Charity Begins At QVM

Are Traders competitive? The answer is obviously yes, but sometimes it shows up in unusual ways, even in charitable pursuits.

Market Officer Richard Shortt is raising funds for mental health through the Push Up Challenge. Richard plans to complete 3128 push-ups over coming weeks and is seeking online donations from the community including traders. A couple of traders pooled in to contribute $120, a very tidy sum. Two of their mates decided to donate as well and made their own contribution of $121. The Push Up Challenge is benefiting nicely from the competitive streak in Traders.

If you wish to donate to a very worthwhile cause you can go to Richard’s donation page - - and, no, you don’t have to make it $122. All donations are welcome.

Market Officer, Marcus McInnes, is also participating in the Push Up Challenge, and his page can be found here -

A number of traders have already committed to this cause and it raises the question of whether the market community should have a more formal on-going charity connection - expect more on this in coming weeks.

NOTE: The Push-Up Challenge is raising money to support headspace, National Youth Mental Health Organisation - An organisation working to strengthen the mental health and wellbeing of young Australians.
The Push-Up Challenge started in 2018 and aims to raise awareness of mental health in Australia. This year, The Push-Up Challenge highlights the devastating number of Australian lives lost to suicide in 2017. 3,128 push-ups for 3,128 lives lost to suicide.