Sunday 7 July 2019

That's Not A Market, This Is A Market

The famous Crocodile Dundee line (That’s not a knife, this is a knife.) has inspired this comparison between the wannabe markets by the likes of Coles, Woolworths, IGA, and the real market - The Queen Vic Market.

The comparison is an idea from one of our long standing traders, David Kiper, and has been written about on these pages before, but it is said that a good idea bears repeating so let’s refresh the comparison.

That's not a market
This is a market.

That's not a market.
This Is A Market

That's not a market.
This is a market.

David intended that the “This is a market” line would be part of an advertising campaign with the final message directed to local consumers something like this - “Lee from Singapore, Omar from Dubai, and Anne from England all consider QVM one of the great markets of the world. Why aren’t you shopping at QVM?"