Ex trader Lance Dyer may have left our market but QVM is
still in his thoughts as he wrote to us this week concerning a Herald Sun
article on Melbourne’s best Sunday markets. - http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/inner-east/where-to-find-melbournes-best-sunday-markets/story-fngnvlpt-1227444264085
Lance pointed out that the exhaustive list of Sunday markets
did not include QVM. Dandenong and Caribbean Gardens markets were mentioned
plus a whole lot of monthly markets but not QVM. South Melbourne Market also
missed out but how QVM as one of the world’s premier markets could be excluded
is an absolute travesty.

So, should we forgive them Lance?
26/07/2015 21:19:18 Market list "Absolutely not !!! The second list was again only talking about food, no mention of general merchandise and what else the market has to offer.
It might also be added that when concerned traders went to MCC it wasn't traders from the fruit,meat or deli sections, it was again general traders who seem to the heart of the Queen Victoria Market in their mind . "
Good point and when Sunday trading was first suggested it was general merchandise that embraced and supported the concept with other areas of the market following reluctantly behind. And who embraces and serves the many hundreds of thousands of tourists each year who consider our market an important part of their Melbourne experience - general merchandise again. Thanks for your input - Ed.
13/08/2015 23:17:51 http://www.victraders.com/2015/07/herald-sun-cops-bricks-and-bouquets.html "No. It's not forgivable. How can they not mention QVM in 1 article as the best Sunday markets, but then have it listed as the one of the best markets in the world.
It doesn't make sense." Lance
Thanks Lance - Ed.
26/07/2015 21:19:18 Market list "Absolutely not !!! The second list was again only talking about food, no mention of general merchandise and what else the market has to offer.
It might also be added that when concerned traders went to MCC it wasn't traders from the fruit,meat or deli sections, it was again general traders who seem to the heart of the Queen Victoria Market in their mind . "
Good point and when Sunday trading was first suggested it was general merchandise that embraced and supported the concept with other areas of the market following reluctantly behind. And who embraces and serves the many hundreds of thousands of tourists each year who consider our market an important part of their Melbourne experience - general merchandise again. Thanks for your input - Ed.
13/08/2015 23:17:51 http://www.victraders.com/2015/07/herald-sun-cops-bricks-and-bouquets.html "No. It's not forgivable. How can they not mention QVM in 1 article as the best Sunday markets, but then have it listed as the one of the best markets in the world.
It doesn't make sense." Lance
Thanks Lance - Ed.