Sunday 29 October 2017

What Can Traders Expect From Next Week’s Information Sessions

A key process is about to start at QVM and it involves the transfer of traders from C, D, and E sheds over to the other side of the old cemetery wall – J Shed through to String Bean Alley. Moving a significant number of traders and disrupting normal trading is sure to have its problems so what can traders expect from the first information sessions on Tuesday and Thursday next week and will this be an opportunity to make some changes to the way we set up the top-end of the market.

A discussion amongst a group of traders on Friday was split on whether management would grasp this opportunity to make some significant adjustments to top-end trading or whether it would throw its hands up in the air and say this is all too hard and we will have to muddle by as best we can. Will there be a significant allocation of resources to professionally pre-plan a fairly complex allocation process or will we work one to one with individual traders and not really have a clear process for many weeks, or even months – a bit more like a process of attrition.

The move is brought about by the first stages of renewal as we clear one side of the market for a substantial underground construction project. When you move traders, there are complexities, and they relate to squeezing traders into a smaller trading area with compromises on space, location and a variety of trading arrangements. Do traders who occupy a current corner spot get a similar position over in J-M sheds? Do current traders in J-M stay in their normal spots or do they move? Do we vary the size or configuration of stalls to allow more traders in and perhaps make the area a more interesting place to shop? There has been considerable debate on this website about the possibility of using Quadpods to achieve both those aims.

We can go on - Should we use this opportunity to position as many traders as possible in the same location on each trading day? Do we abandon the old 5 stall separation rule? Are there other things we can do to make trading easier for traders and more attractive to customers?

The transfer of traders during a renewal is actually covered in The Rules For Stallholders and it may pay to briefly reflect on Clause 14.11 which says in part –

“Stallholders may be temporarily or permanently transferred, or otherwise removed from their regular stallholdings in the event of a redevelopment or building and maintenance works, promotions or other organised events which the market operators may from time to time deem necessary.”

Moving traders is one thing. Moving traders after giving professional consideration to a whole range of sometimes conflicting conditions is something else. The point is that this is unlikely to be short term. The underground construction at A,B,C, and D sheds will take quite some time. This is an opportunity to set some useful trading innovations in place. It will be interesting to see how the management team approaches traders and how traders respond. We might just need some extra chairs in the meeting room.

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30/10/2017 06:57:51      Next Meeeting        """We might just need some extra chairs in the meeting room.""
Maybe we need one or two extra chairs for our representative on Board of Directors. Just to point on some issues which are critical for us. Board of Directors is too politically oriented. Their job is to make happy City Council, not us...." Mino
Thanks for your input Mino.- Ed