Sunday 18 March 2018

Heard Under The Sheds – 18/3/2018

Smells in SBA – we have reported elsewhere about the problem of smelly drains in String Bean Alley and we shouldn’t be surprised that the problem appears to come down to a minor human error. Hopefully that means it can be fixed.

Trader Connect – the announcement of a drop-in session next Friday morning has caused some early-start traders to complain that not everyone can leave their stall. We have been assured that there will be plenty of opportunity to learn more about the program, although missing out on hot-cross buns and a coffee will be a shame. Maybe a trolley could do the rounds for those captive to their stall.

A trader commented this week that traders are not really asking for much – just good business, some action, and a clear direction for the future. He made everything sound so easy.

Another trader has some advice for the Business Partners (business advisers) who will be attending the Trader Connect information session on Friday. Just start every discussion with “Of course this is not a shopping centre” and they will be off on the right foot.

Security can be a thankless task – security staff were recently faced with a deranged man carrying a hammer and threatening to harm a trader. They managed to wrestle him to the ground and disarm him, only to have some on-lookers complaining of rough treatment. Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

And finally a comment from a number of traders that it is great to see members of the management team out and about in the market again this week.

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19/03/2018 16:48:02      CEOs and leases      "Fantastic to see the new CEO walking the sheds on sat in shorts! Are you able to elaborate on the hammer incident ? And last but not least what happens after 5years when security of tenure is no longer guaranteed? Your comment please if you can."

Okay - sorry, but I don't know much more about the hammer incident except that I understand it involved somebody from outside the market, possibly a vagrant, looking to cause trouble. With regard to tenure, after the 5 years I guess we go back to the old tenure arrangement which involves SL licenses for specific terms and PE licenses with a common law right to trade on a daily license. The 5 year deal was really just to guarantee that nobody would be pushed out during the renewal. Just my opinion mind you. - Ed