Sunday 4 March 2018

Heard Under The Sheds - 4/3/2018

Something Smells – Foul smells in String Bean Alley got up the noses of traders this week as the obviously inadequate drainage system failed to cope once again. Two questions are asked. When will adequate facilities be provided and until then, how do we monitor the situation better? The sight of customers walking around with handkerchiefs and tissues at their noses is surely enough for quick action.

Colourful Language – apparently a trader rang in to John Faine’s radio program on Thursday with some less than complimentary views about QVM. When challenged by John Faine about the success of the Night Market, the trader said  “If you and I put a piss-up on at Flagstaff Gardens we’d get 10,000 people.” John Faine took issue and suggested the caller should be generous enough to give credit for the success of the Night Market. The call was terminated shortly after.

These photos show a special display for an Asian food business set up in A Shed on Saturday. The display features picket fence boundaries and mesh walling to hide vehicles and rubbish in an adjoining aisle. One of our traders is asking why this sort of effort is not applied in other areas of the day market to transform vacant spaces - see our article -

CEO Meet& Greet - CEO Stan Liacos was walking the sheds on Friday with good reports on his communication and openness. He even managed to get a selfie with Betty Jennings which, with camera shy Betty, is a significant coup. Thank you to Stan for the photo.

Bringing Stalls Into The New Age – a trader has pointed out that the hydraulic refuse facilities shown in last week’s Heard Under The Sheds could also be used for a modern take on stall arrangements. Imagine a stall that would operate during the day and at the push of a button be moved underground. The resultant flat space could be used for alternative functions like a separate night market, opera in the market, or a whole range of entertainment options. Our photo shows a car parking facility where the car disappears underground to leave usable space on top. We have some creative minds at QVM.

Get Well – Two Traders, Tony and Graeme, (you know who you are) are both recovering from illness and we wish them a speedy recovery and an early return to trading.

ATO Seminar - A trader has asked about booking for the ATO seminar on Protecting Honest Business Information. You can register at the following link -

Extending The Winter Night Market Footprint – given the success of the last Winter Night Market and the possibility of many traders looking for additional trading opportunities in the current trading climate, one of our traders has asked if the free trading space in Sheds A,B,C,D and E could not be utilised for this year’s market program.

String Bean Alley Containers - we understand that in lieu of a roof over the aisle, the additional containers in SBA may look like the Padre Coffee Shop facility at the top of the aisle i.e. containers with a covered verandah and clear sheet weather protection. Consensus amongst traders is that a roof is still by far the best option if this area is expected to be a real contributor to the market.

Reminder - Don't forget to book for your One On One Meeting - Traders in the A-E construction area will obviously need to be briefed on their new location and some traders currently in J-M Sheds may actually be impacted by the relocation as well. It is advisable to check your situation, and besides these meetings are a good opportunity to give QVM your wish list for future trading opportunities. Book here -

Have Your Say - click here.

07/03/2018 08:48:09      Extending the Winter Night Market      "Extending the Winter Night Markets trader footprint may give Management a much needed financial boost but it may dilute the uniqueness of what has made the Winter Market successful in the past.
The Summer Night Market Traders which have increased by some 30+ in numbers this year have had very mixed financial results to date.
Perhaps less is more?
Keep trader numbers manageable , don't over extend the time length of the Market, don't overkill, ordinate the product, and leave the customers craving for more next year?."
Thanks for your contribution. I think the suggestion was aimed more at giving traders greater opportunity but you make some good points either way. - Ed.