Sunday 6 January 2019

Heard Under The Sheds – 6/1/2019

Traders are reporting big variations in sales as we enter the New Year and the tourist season. Wednesday’s Night Market was apparently good for most, and for a change, the following Thursday was also busy. Friday was the 43 degree horror day and there were mixed reports from Saturday and Sunday despite the favourable weather conditions.

Speaking of the horror Friday with strong winds and 43 degree temperatures, a number of traders praised the announcement of a new heat policy which allowed 1pm closing when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees. The announcement came out of left field and was certainly most welcome on Friday.

A trader asked when are we going to find an answer to the Friday trading time dilemma. (This is not heat related) We have two closing times with Specialty Merchandise closing at 3:00 and Fresh Produce at 5:00. Customers remain confused and the QVM website doesn’t help a lot. Isn’t it as simple as saying Friday: Specialty Merchandise 8am til 3pm, Fresh Produce 6am til 5pm.

A trader has asked if his gold medal for trading in 43 degree heat on Friday can be converted to rent relief.

Busking at the top of String Bean Alley during the Night Market has been of a consistently high standard with this week’s entertainer getting a substantial crowd to sing along to a couple of his songs. Last week’s busker had a particularly energetic routine involving multiple instruments. He was used to doing 45 minute sets but the excitement of a big crowd at the Night Market kept him going for almost 4 hours. He booked a body massage immediately after the gig.

A group of traders were discussing entertainment options for the day market, with particular emphasis on filling the void in C,D Sheds. The ice skating certainly did its job and perhaps similar sporting options like golf driving ranges (virtual golf) could be considered with support from golfing equipment retailers, and perhaps a similar concept for tennis.

A trader has asked for a special endorsement to his driving license for managing to drive from one end of J Shed to the other whilst avoiding storage boxes seemingly placed to make the task impossible.

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06/01/2019 23:32:26       FRIDAY TRADING TIME     "What dilema?
Its very simple theres NO NEED to be open until 5pm.Specialty Merchandise
& Fresh Produce should close at 3pm.Its that simple,problem solved.
Dont create a problem when there isnt one."

07/01/2019 06:39:02       Storage boxes j shed          "The problem of boxes in the j shed aisle has become both dangerous and problematic. It was not  always like this does it need to be addressed? Your comments please."  
J Shed is a major entry point for traders driving in to drop off stock. That function probably should have preference over boxes waiting in the aisle for set ups or to be moved away after set ups.  Traders who operate in J Shed can perhaps advise us here. Can those boxes be located inside stalls before set up and then moved away immediately after? -Ed.