Sunday 7 April 2013

A Special Argument For Name Change In The Top End

Trading areas at the Queen Victoria Market are generally categorised as Food or General Merchandise. Food is food, and I don't have a problem with the term (I assume Food Traders feel the same) but General Merchandise is just too general and doesn't adequately convey the rich offering in the top end of the market.

In fact, trade in the top end is the opposite of "general", it is "speciality". General Merchandise Traders are Speciality Merchandise Traders because each trader specialises in a particular category and gives it a richness, depth, and level of expertise that most other retailers can't. The depth of offer in categories like jewellery, sports shoes, socks, handbags, hats, souvenirs (and the list goes on) is rarely exceeded outside the market.

Wikipedia describes Speciality Shops as follows - Specialty (BE: speciality) stores are small stores which specialize in a specific range of merchandise and related items. Most stores have an extensive depth of stock in the item that they specialize in and provide high levels of service and expertise. The pricing policy is generally in the medium to high range, depending on factors like the type and exclusivity of merchandise and ownership, that is, whether they are owner operated or a chain operation which has the advantage of bulk purchasing and centralized warehousing system. They differ from department stores and supermarkets which carry a wide range of merchandise.[1

The other important aspect of the "Speciality" tag is of course the high level of personal service and expertise that the name implies. In contrast with today's impersonal department stores, QVM Traders offer a face to face experience to each and every customer and that is an advantage we should maximise. Add in the level of competition offered by multiple traders in each category (some see this as repetition, I see it as healthy competition) and it is no wonder that QVM is a very desirable place to shop.

I would like to see QVM described as a place for Food and Speciality Merchandise.

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