Sunday 3 September 2017

Heard Under The Sheds – 3/9/2017

Night Market Impacting On Day Market – A common theme from many traders this week is that Thursday day trade has been killed by the night market. The philosophy is that tourists who visit the night market won’t visit on Thursdays. Other traders are questioning whether there is a direct link or are we just identifying a general downturn in day trade.

September Doldrums – one trader point out that September is normally one of his worst trading months of the year even though there is plenty of tourist activity around football finals. A sales survey done by traders a few years ago confirmed that February and September were the quietest months of the year in the top end.

Empty E Shed - traders thought that the North side of E Shed between the top walkway and Peel St. had been purposely cleared on Friday, but no, it was just an unfortunate coincidence that all traders took the day off.

A Trader wrote to Victraders recently complaining about the confusing state of rent accounts and apparent over-charging on his account. His Category Manager was alerted and the matter cleared up to the Trader’s satisfaction but he points out that a lot of the frustration around rent accounts would be overcome if they were like utility accounts – in other words issued after the commercial activity had occurred instead of before. We do have a lot of confusing elements in our accounts – casual trading, leave, box hire penalties and so on.

Indisputable Proof That Traders Are Doing It Tough – this trader took time out to darn his own socks during trading on Friday. There are a number of important implications to this – We hope he didn’t remove his sock in front of customers – he definitely needs sewing lessons – we are a traditional market and perhaps it is time that Jeff, Bruce, and our other sock sellers introduced a repair service.

Learning From Football – a trader has suggested that the Collingwood Football Clubs response to future development might have application in the retail industry - "Buckley's reappointment… comes after a 'forensic' review that concluded that sacking the coach would be an exercise in scapegoating. “...the easiest decision in the last couple of days would have been to sack the coach, the hard decision is to look within and work within and work through as a whole club. "Change doesn't necessarily mean sack this person sack that person, it could be and it will be, different structuring, resource an area better that we haven't resourced before…

Planning Permit – news has come through that the C245 Planning application has been gazetted allowing progress on the Munro’s site and the conversion of the current QVM car park to public open space.

Trader Dispute - a minor altercation occurred this week when one trader placed his boxes in the aisle and effectively blocked customer movement. It was after closing time but our complainant still had a crowd at his stall. Keeping storage boxes on your side of the aisle and allowing customer movement for others would seem to be the neighbourly thing to do.

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