Sunday 9 October 2016

Heard Under The Sheds - 9/10/2016

Traders Performing Badly - there was strong readership to last week's article about boxes in the aisles before closing time. The article related to Grand Final Day and perhaps we can give traders some leeway on that occasion but this has raised similar concerns from others. We were approached about the K Shed trader who has his boxes in the aisle well after 9:00am each day simply because his worker starts late. Or the traders in RK/RL who now have larger stalls and a narrower aisle but still insist on pushing their racks out into the aisle and inconveniencing customers.

Trying Out Scott Pickett's New Deli - two of our traders reportedly decided to try out Scott Pickett's evening offer and told the waiter that they wanted to go through the menu. He thought they meant they wanted time to look through the offering, but no, they wanted to start at the top and work their way down. Not sure how long that took or how far they got, but they did give a thumbs up.

Traders Awards Night - the awards night was a topic of discussion during the week with generally favorable anticipation although a few traders with younger kids were trying to work out how they could get around Halloween trick or treat obligations on the same night.

That Smell - still getting reports on the bad smell from the A Shed Ladies toilets. Traders asking for this to be fixed.

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